Navigating the options available for insurance plans can be an overwhelming task, especially when you or a loved one is ill. Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke coverage is designed to fill the gaps in traditional health plans to provide you with more complete protection against the costs of living with cancer or suffering a heart attack or stroke.

While many positive steps have been made in cancer research, cancer treatments can be very expensive. Do you have the funds to pay for the hospital expenses, treatments and prescriptions should you be diagnosed with cancer?

The policy can provide coverage for persons 40 years of age and older with a cash benefit paid directly to you to cover expenses associated with:

  • The policy will pay a lump sum benefit paid directly to you upon diagnosis of cancer, heart attack or stroke.
  • Cancer, or heart attack and stroke policies are sold separately.
  • Benefit amounts from $10,000 to $75,000 (in increments of $5,000), with recurrence benefits.